B2B HR Revolutionaries
Business strategy, strategic visioning, IP review and valuation, naming, differentiation and positioning, IP protection, trade marking, brand strategy, brand narrative, visual narrative, behavioural narrative, brand identity, brand communication assets, livery, web UX, stationery, brand guidelines, copywriting, strategic guidance.
These dynamic and inspirational clients came to us after realising that they couldn’t use their existing brand name. They had a new working title, “LeadUs” for their management software tool, that uses DISC personality assessments to inform communication methodology for managers. Through our discovery process, we found that it was more than just software. It was a vision for changing workplaces for the better. While the name may have been viable in terms of governance, strategically it did not represent what they were creating.
They needed a brand name and narrative that went beyond just the product and which would inspire people to create real and impactful change in their workplaces.
This was a manifesto brand.